Arrow Energy Permit to Work Training

Arrow Energy PTW Training Program
The Arrow Energy PTW Program provides the theory training component that required to become a Permit Holder and/or Permit Authority with Arrow Energy.
Completion of this program will result in the issuing of a Certificate of Completion for Arrow Energy Permit to Work.
Permit Holders and Authorities are also required to hold a current Gas Test Atmospheres competency (MSMWHS217).
This training is the first stage of the process of becoming a fully endorsed PTW Holder or Authority. After you have completed this course you will still need to demonstrate the correct use of the PTW system by completing three permits as a "Permit Holder in Training", under the supervision of an endorsed Permit Holder or Authority. This endorsement process is coordinated and approved by Arrow.
Program Delivery
The Arrow Energy PTW program can be delivered face-to-face, or virtually.
Both virtual and face-to-face programs are scheduled based on demand (face-to-face require a minimum of 4 participants).
To enquire about a course, contact Dave Whitefield via email- arrowptw@peopleandrisk.com, phone- 0412782191, or via the webform below to enquire.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is an FAQ section below. Click here to go straight to it.
Booking or Enquiry?
Email: arrowptw@peopleandrisk.com
Call or text: Dave- 0412 782 191
Web enquiry: Click here
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a difference between Permit Holder and Permit Authority?
No, personnel intending to work under either role complete the same training program.
How long will the training take?
The Arrow PTW training takes approximately 5 hours (typically scheduled for 7:30am to 12:30pm).​​
How much does it cost?
The cost of the Arrow PTW training is $350 (+GST).
I've completed PTW training for another organisation, or under another system (eg. Wellsite PTW), do I still need to do the Arrow course?
Yes, because this course is specifically about the Arrow PTW System and associated expectations.
Are there any language, literacy or numeracy expectations?
Yes, to fulfil the role of Permit Holder or Authority, you will need to be able to read and understand the elements of the Arrow PTW Form, and associated procedures.
What other training or activities will be needed to be a Permit Holder or Authority?
Personnel will still be required to demonstrate that they can apply and use the PTW process in the field. This is done after the training, when you first use the PTW, evidence of this will be captured through the completion of a checklist which will be signed off by Arrow personnel. Personnel may also need additional competencies relevant to the type of work being performed and category of permit. For example, working at heights, confined space entry, electrical authority, isolation etc.